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Card Slinger - MTG & TCG Scanner v5

Card Slinger - MTG & TCG Scanner v5

Regular price $39.99 USD
Regular price $45.00 USD Sale price $39.99 USD
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Accent Color: Swamp Black

New orders ship within 5-10 business days! We are printing just as fast as we can and make all Card Slingers ourselves in house!

What is the Card Slinger? 

This tool is designed to assist in scanning a large number of MTG or TCG cards at once using a card scanning app of your choice on your phone.

The card slinger fits both sleeved and un-sleeved cards, and accommodates standard sized MTG, Pokemon cards and more. Apps that work with this device are ManaBox app →,  Delver lens, and more!

The Card Slinger funnels cards as you toss them into the scanning zone, centering the cards so that the scanning app can do its job quickly and efficiently, allowing you to scan card after card faster than any other manual method. This is a significant improvement over moving cards in and out of the frame one at a time by hand, and you can scan over 180 cards before needing to empty the drawer, the sleeved drawer holds about 80 cards single sleeved. The card slinger is strong, fits cards precisely, and makes short work of large quantities of cards in need of scanning. 

The card slinger is the first of its kind device, don't accept imitations! 

The card slinger comes in 2 versions, Card slinger Lite, and the Card Slinger, for sleeved and un-sleeved cards

The Card Slinger model fits sleeved cards, and just pop in the drawer of choice and scan to your hearts content! 

Don't need to scan sleeved cards? Then the Card Slinger Lite model is just for you.

** Scanning in sleeved cards successfully is dependent on lighting conditions, angle, sleeve type, and application, some patience and experimentation is required **

** as these photos are of the preproduction unit, the final item shipped may have a slightly different surface finish and appearance **


What app is used In the videos? 
This is an android, and iOS native app, it has settings to auto add cards that are scanned, and make sounds, tally costs, etc. It’s awesome, and has the best card recognition success rate of any I have tested. It can export to most deck building and collection management sites like moxfield and archidekt. Here is a quick video of my settings and use of ManaBox → . I like use the “prefer foil” checkbox to scan foil items in bulk separately from std non foil cards, with sound on! Here is a very helpful mana box getting started guide → 

Can you scan sleeved cards?
Yes, results depending on application, it is suggested to experiment with lighting and the space you are in for best results. The card slinger has two drawers, one to fit sleeved cards of various sleeve types! The Card Slinger Lite fits only un-sleeved cards. 

What types of phones work with it?
Most all! if it lays flat, and has a camera of set to the right of the phone, or center, it will work great. The better the camera, the better the apps will work. Some miscellaneous android phones do NOT like manabox as much as iphones do. 

Is it sturdy? Will it support a phone?
Hell yeah its sturdy! Its made to be as tough as possible. It will support MOST every phone.

Does it damage the backs of cards? 
No, not that I can tell, I have scanned in thousands of cards with my pre production units, and I can't find any damage

Does it damage the corners of cards?
Again, as above, no! Not that I can see from scanning thousands of cards

Is it possible to damage cards while scanning using the card slinger? 
100% it is possible, and it's possible to damage cards using any method if you are rough, but it is fully avoidable. careless or use too much force when handling cards. From what I can tell, this method of using the card slinger does less damage to cards than any mechanical method. 

I have a 3d printer, can I just print my own? Yes you can! Here is a link to the latest files!

This is NOT an official mana box product, or in any way shape or form affiliated with them, mana box is just the best scanning app out there for MTG


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